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[Software EngineeringSA

Description: 用数据流图的方法为下系统建模的步骤 ——医院病房监护系统-Data flow diagram using the method of system modeling for the next steps- the hospital ward monitoring system
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: worden | Hits:


Description: 图书管理系统(学生选课系统,学校人事管理系统,医院病历管理系统)。 对待开发软件提出的需求进行分析并给出详细的定义,分析实现工程目标应该采取的策略及系统必须完成的功能。确定系统必须完成哪些工作,对目标系统提出完整、准确、清晰、具体的要求,画出实体关系图、数据流图、状态转换图,创建数据字典,编写软件需求说明书。 -Book Management System (elective system students, school personnel management systems, hospital medical records management system). Treatment needs to develop software for analysis and gives a detailed definition, analysis should be taken to achieve the goal of the project strategy and system functions must be completed. System must be completed to determine what kind of work, on the target system complete, accurate, clear and specific requirements, draw entity-relationship diagram, data flow diagram, state transition map, create a data dictionary, the preparation of software requirements specification.
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: 王大军 | Hits:

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